At Anazao MD in Steamboat Springs, CO, we are always on the lookout for treatment procedures that can enhance male wellness and quality of life. Sexual health is at the forefront of that search, and we have exciting news: The PRP Shot, commonly called the P-Shot, can help with both the quality and duration of your erections.
What is the PRP SHOT?
The PRP Shot is an FDA-approved treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). There is almost no limit to who can receive the treatment, and it works for people of all ages. This matters because erectile dysfunction is not a problem limited to the elderly. Naturally, ED is more prevalent in older men, but it is still relatively common in younger adults as well. Generally, ED prevalence scales with age, such that 30% of men in their 30s will experience it, 40% of those in their 40s, and so on.
What’s in a Name?
Although the “P” in the name is commonly assumed to refer to the penis itself, the name actually comes from ancient Greek. The doctors who first developed the treatment named it after Priapus, the Greek god of agriculture and fertility. The fertility of the soil was connected in popular understanding to fertility of the womb. The P Shot or Priapus Shot is named after this Greek god and offers men a chance to regain their youthful vigor in the bedroom.
What Does the Procedure Entail?
The PRP-Shot stimulates growth factors that occur naturally in your bloodstream by injecting them into specific areas of the penis. A small amount of blood is drawn from the arm, just like during a common blood test. That blood is then placed in a centrifuge, which separates out the platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Thus growth factor-dense PRP is then removed and injected into the penis. Blood flow is notably increased, and benefits to erection size, erection hardness, and erection duration can all be expected.
What does PRP do to the Body?
PRP takes advantage of platelets’ secondary properties. Normally, platelets’ main task is to promote blood clotting and wound repair. If you cut your finger, platelets will rush in and release an enzyme that causes your blood to clot. This is vital to prevent continuous bleeding. However, once the bleeding has stopped, the platelets have another function.
Platelets release Platelet-derived Growth Factor (PDGF) when there are many of them in a small area. This growth factor encourages cell growth and replication while also signaling white blood cells to come in and clean up the area. Thus, old and damaged cells are removed while brand-new ones take their place.
By concentrating platelets and injecting them, we fool the body into thinking a major event has happened at the site of injection. We trigger the healing mechanisms without creating any damage. This results in the restoration of the cells in the area.
PRP and Erectile Dysfunction
Injecting PRP directly into the penile tissue causes your body to renew the cells in that area. This means that your penis regains its ability to hold blood, which is how erections work in the first place. Erectile dysfunction is nothing more than an insufficient blood supply.
This can be caused by a number of factors, but the main one is a decay in the quality of penile tissue. The corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum tissues are the two in particular that collect blood and trap it. As you age, these lose their capacity and hold less blood and for shorter durations. The result is a weak or partial erection that doesn’t last long enough. With these tissues revitalized from the PRP treatment, you will realize the incredible benefits that we are about to cover.
Can the PRP-Shot Help with My Peyronie’s Disease?
Many men suffer from Peyronie’s Disease without ever discussing it with their doctor. Experiencing any of the following may make you a candidate for receiving the P-Shot:
- Scar tissue
- A significant bend in the penis
- Erectile dysfunction of any kind
- Shortening of the penis
- Pain, with or without an erection
Schedule a consultation with our team of experts to see if you qualify.
Why Should I Opt for the PRP-Shot Instead of Other Procedures?
Surgery of any kind comes with risks. Surgery in the penile area carries more risk than most, as long-lasting, even permanent damage to sexual function and sensation can occur. Recurrence of erectile dysfunction is high even if the procedure works at first, and loss of length can actually be a long-term side effect.
The P-Shot is a minimally invasive injection, serving as an alternative to surgery. The procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes and involves minimal downtime. Results are not permanent and follow-up treatments may be necessary, and it could take a few weeks to see noticeable results.
What Are Other Benefits of the P-Shot?
The PRP-Shot can help restore your sexual confidence. Knowing your erections will be optimized for size, hardness, and duration allows you to enjoy your sex life without the worry you may have experienced previously. Orgasm intensity is also often notably increased following administration. The P-Shot also has the ability to help with growth and male enhancement.
The list could be longer, but we wanted to focus on the top benefits of the P Shot for men. Based on feedback from our patients, here are the top 6 benefits you can expect from this groundbreaking treatment:
Unlike surgical procedures to treat ED, PRP treatment carries no risks. First, you are free from the risks of surgery, including the possible complications of anesthesia. Furthermore, since the PRP comes from your own body, you don’t have to worry about any type of rejection, allergic reaction, or contamination.
Vascular reconstructive surgery is an ED treatment that involves rerouting arteries to the penis to improve blood flow. Not only is this highly invasive, but it also involves a long recovery time. Similarly, implanted devices to achieve erection, although effective, are difficult to insert. Should anything go wrong, you would need additional surgeries to correct the installation.
Your penis has cells that act as valves to keep blood inside. PRP treatments restore the function of these cells, giving you longer-lasting erections. If you have premature ejaculation along with ED, then you will likely see an improvement in your sexual stamina after PRP.
One of the first things patients notice, these harder erections are usually visible the very next morning. As the cells absorb more blood, they produce a much stronger erection.
This effect is one of the most immediate. However, that doesn’t mean it is the first to fade. Although the benefits of the P Shot do subside over time, most patients find that their erections maintain their strength for at least a year after the treatment.
Did you know that PRP treatments can push your cells’ performance past their natural standard? As a result, your cells may be able to absorb even more blood than they did in their prime.
Although not every patient reports a gain in size, many have commented that their partners noticed a difference. Size gains may be up to an inch in erect length and potentially half an inch in girth.
If you are skeptical about this one, we understand. After all, an injection into your penis sounds quite harrowing. Nevertheless, we take great pains to make sure you have no discomfort or pain.
Local, topical anesthetic is applied to your genital area before any injections occur. Once you are numbed, we inject a local anesthetic to completely numb the area, both inside and out. Only then do we administer the PRP. Many patients enter the room nervous only to walk out laughing. Much of the stress is mental, not physical.
Most ED or premature ejaculation treatments have some kind of trade-off. This is true of every surgical procedure and pharmaceutical solution. Inevitably, these kinds of solutions have some negative side effects that cause damage to your body. Whether it’s the scars of surgery or the side effects of a pill, there is some level of sacrifice involved in treating ED through other methods.
PRP breaks that rule. The injection sites are small, meaning there are no scars and no lasting tissue damage. Since there are no incisions or implants, your body has very little to recover from. And, as we have explained, all PRP does is restore your cells to their former glory and beyond. Essentially, it’s impossible to hurt yourself with PRP treatment.
Contact Us for a Consultation Today
Contact us at Anazao MD today to schedule a consultation today to learn more about the P-Shot and if it is the right procedure for you. Visit our office in Steamboat Springs, CO, for more information!